Safety — Dashboard design
2023 | Product Design

Saftey, formerly PyUp, is a vulnerability analysis tool that scans Python packages provides a report detailing the severity of any discovered issues.
As a product with only CLI tool, Safety needed to understand how their product would work in a web browser. The capabilities of the CLI tool were extensive, so we needed to prioritize what the most important user flows were and if we were going to include them in the initial spec.
We needed a conceptual starting point that would allow us to evaluate what the most critical workflows for users were in the first version and to guide future development and product work.

I worked with Safety’s founder and head of sales to first understand to map out the relationships between resources and build out a comprehensive set of user-flows. From this, we selected the most important ones:
- Give users an overview of the security of their work
- See and manage all the security findings related to their work
- Manage their projects
- See and manage all the scans that have occurred on their machine and on their projects